Item JSONs

could have custom item jsons here for learning/templates

if we start having a lot of custom items then I will install a code extension or an easier way to copy items, for now it works

Mana Sword
Aero Katana

/spawnitem ancientbouldertrap 1 '{"description":"A trap that drops heavy beats on unsuspecting intruders.","shortdescription":"Ancient Drum Trap","fireTime":0.4,"projectile":"tentaclefist","projectileConfig":{"power":0,"speed":0.1,"timeToLive":0.01,"actionOnReap":[{"time":0.1, "repeat" : true, "action" : "sound", "options" : [ "/sfx/instruments/drumkit/36.ogg" ] }]}}'

Broken or To Study

Mana Sword (Pre 1.4 fixed version)